Got rejected my YC tonight!


New member
Got my 1st rej from YC tonight. I’m feeling a bit uncertain about whether to keep pushing forward or consider pivoting or even giving up.

I’m curious to learn from you all:

1.  What do you think is the most difficult part of the entrepreneurship journey?
2.  What keeps you motivated and prevents you from giving up?
3.  If you did decide to give up at some point, what was the tipping point?
@harrawr If rejection from YC is enough to make you want to give up, perhaps you should ask yourself why you believe so little in your product and yourself, and why others should believe in them if you yourself have so little faith.

Would you give up your whole education simply because you were not accepted to Harvard?

Would you give up on dating because the first girl you had a crush on rejected you?

If you believe in what you're doing a small roadblock should just be an inconvenience in the road that you know you are going down regardless.
@spiritualhuman The fact that a YC rejections makes you consider giving up, tells you why YC has rejected you. You have zero conviction and look for outside validation. That’s not how great products are built, and not how great founders work. Your users are who should tell you to quit

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