Grancoin - The asset with a soul


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Here it goes.

yeah, have a look on our youtube-video first. is our webpage, content is to be changed and don't roast this as we're rewriting the whole whitepaper to fit our foundations needs.

Grancoin - The asset with a soul

The greenest cryptocurrency with ZERO fiat currency funding. A tree is planted for every coin issued to the foundation.

Our product is simple, we're a group of independent entrepreneurs and small business owners who share a common thought about sustainable agroforestry, digital innovation and a better economic future for the whole of mankind. Investing in this cryptocurrency can only be done with your time.

Some say time is money therefore we're using your time to create money for you.

Our Grancoin-faucet is an fun and easy to use "Spruce-tamagotchi", you need to pet your tree in order for it to grow. We simulate a tree on growth that will generate you more and more Grancoin the more you are playing. The initial idea is that big pension funds in Sweden are investing 0.05% of their assets in forestry, so here you're investing 0.05% of your time each day in order to get grow our currency. But wait, where is the money coming from? Yes, in-game ads are going to be split 50/50
  1. To ensure the fundraising to our Foundation Regrowth (Stiftelsen Återväxten in swedish). This is an independent Foundation not connected to the Grancoin-company.
  2. In order to act as the market-maker for Grancoin, we'll buy back Grancoins with all the other assets generated from our through the game -> you get dollars or bitcoins.
Other products developed and to be launched, is a sustainable rolling paper in order to fund other social campaigns in native Sweden, such an normalization campaign for the use of Cannabis. (I posted the design in r/trees)

One other product is the "Granogram", here we send a luxurious package containing a "spruce-seedling" that you send to someone who can plant it to be the token for a long and growing friendship, a memory that will last for about 150 years.

Creating a cryptocurrency in this digital age is easy, but creating a community is a way harder of an challenge. English is not my native language therefore I don't want you to roast my post after grammatical errors.

We don't want to be compared to Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrencies so don't do it.

We're currently re-writing our whitepaper and will launch our greenpaper together with our Grancoin-app.

Why us? We're young, with time as our greatest companion this is how we start.

tl;dr Invest 0.05% of your time, save the forest and get return from sustainable agroforestry.
@professor I love cryptocurrency. I love nature. I'm your target market.

But this thing smells. Bad. Your website and whitepaper have more fluff than my daughter's teddy bear.

A tree is planted for every coin issued

How do you even prove that? Can you take a photo? Mail me some pine nettles? I don't even know what kind of trees you're planting?

Because we know we can grow in generations, together.

Cryptocurrency is about not having to trust a 3rd party. But this thing sounds like it requires a lot of trust. And your website and whitepaper don't provide any details as to why and how that trust should be established.
@nguyenthanhdi Hello my dear roaster! Yes, we were very eager to launch our website, major updates are coming in the next few days, since we don't have a thread yet on bitcoin-talk and we decided to rip our whitepaper to launch a "Greenpaper".

We're setting up a fundraising and independent Foundation called "Stiftelsen Återväxten" (swedish for Foundation Regrowth), A coin is issued once we meet our target amount of 50,000 Euro to buyproperties near our "embassy" (Yes, we're a bitnation called "Nordlandia"). Please come and visit us.

A coin is issued when we plant is planted, Grancoin company is donating 1 Grancoin per tree to the Foundation.

Stay tuned for more updates!
@nguyenthanhdi Yes, great! We will work on updates to inform you later.
The only way to get this coin is by investing with your time.

Do you have 1 hour of time, so we can discuss how to improve this concept? I will donate coins to you just for your sacrifice in time.

Some say time = money, therefore we will create a value out of this principle.
@professor The big italic font looks like an old gatorade/irish springs/home depot advertisement developed an eating disorder and purged their stomachs out. The spacing is wierd, and the font is kinda pixelated, I don't know. I don't like it very much... I know what you're trying to do, but see if you can find similar fonts but with sharper execution of the same style?

If you ask others and they say it's fine then hell do I know, i'm just saying

Try picking something else.

good site though
@sonofedward Hey man, your mum looks like an old gatorade/irish springs/home depot advertisement, who now has an eating disorder.

Let me know some real thoughts instead about concept. Bebas Neue is a cool font, and you might be right and wrong. But still, way to much text just regarding the font.
@runestar I dont think this presentation is going to be here for a long time, I just want to show you 0.05% of what I've done. Did you now it takes about 120 years for a "spruce" to grow to it's full size? You might be the real dumbass if I read the 21st ammendment to the Nordlandia constitution in the Grancoin Greenpaper. You want to read it aswell?
@professor It sounds like you want to attack me because you think I disagree with planting trees. This is not true. I love trees. I am talking about your business model.

If you call it a business? It makes no sense. It will not help your goal to plant trees. Nobody gives a shit about virtual currency. It's confusing and suspicious to most people. You would be much better off to just ask people to donate a dollar for a tree.

You are being a dumbass for making assumptions about my beliefs and not wanting to hear my advice. You start arguing with me about how long it takes a tree to grow? No trees are going to grow because of you unless you get your marketing right.

Stop being a dumbass and follow some GOOD examples and get some trees planted.
@runestar I'm just doing reverse psychology, roasting goes both ways.
The business is mainly for digital innovation, that's how we can develop a prosperous community for our Bitnation Nordlandia. The forest is owned by a Foundation called Regrowth, is not just going to plant trees, it's going to create and expand our area for sustainable agroforestry, log cabins is what we mainly will build to create a new city in the forest. By starting small and slow, we know how we will grow.

The return from logging is what will be used to put a real value on our cryptocurrency.

For instanse. If we make 100 dollars from logging, we save 60 dollars to buy more properties, 20 dollars goes to invest in sustainable start-ups for digital innovation, 20 dollars goes to buy Grancoin from the open market.

I'm not a dumbass, I just equally like to have a good conversation aswell arguing for nothing.

Cryptocurrencies is the future. And man, if you want to buy forest properties, a dollar will not take you far. Our currency is based on equal donations of money and time.

Time is money, therefore money is time.
If you want just to donate, then go ahead give me some trumpdalaz (they are useless and I will just use them to buy bitcoin in order to sell them a few years later to buy more properties).

For Grancoin "Growth" and "Investments" go hand in hand, there for if you donate without receiving Grancoin, you are kind but stupid. Donate Grancoin to someone in need.
Cryptocurrencies is the future.

Is it though? I'm not so sure. Bitcoin has been around for nearly a decade and it never really found it's way into mainstream. This is because there are serious problems with virtual currency that make it unlikely to enter the mainstream any time soon. But that's a whole separate conversation.

I don't see the connection between forest conservation and crypto currency. And I don't think anyone else will either. You could just as well sell bonds or shares in a fund or a company to the same effect which would make your offer much more valuable then scrip.
@runestar I'm convinced and it is constantly growing.
When it comes to money people are scared, and so maybe you still are. What is the most critical problem in cryptocurrencies do you think?

Yes, sure. You can buy in to a fund or a company, that is not our point. We are starting a new land. Nordlandia
@professor The biggest problems with cryptocurrency are stability and liquidity. Valuation of cryptocurrency can possibly be manipulated or even if not is volatile. The mechanics of any one or the other are not clear. There is no standard.
Nobody with any brains is ever going to invest any amount that they aren't prepared to lose. Its very different than commodities or stock market where there are underlying fundamentals backing it.

I think the biggest problem you have here is that there is too much going on. It's too complicated a plan. You have something about hemp forests, something about spruce trees, something about Norway, something about a make believe country, and something about scrip. To be honest I don't fully understand it and it's not worth it for me to burn the calories to try and figure it all out.

The following is true for any business. - Can you explain this business to a 5 year old in 1 sentence? For every IQ point above that required to understand your concept, your cost of customer acquisition goes up logarithmically.
@runestar Trees grows, slow and steady so does Grancoin and Nordlandia.

What more is it that you need to now?
This is a mindshift more than it is for you to understand. We got all funding in money, now we are implementing time. Since Time is Money, we would love to hire you to play our tree-tamagotchi, there you can waste your time aswell earn Grancoin. Wouldn't that be great?