Gumball - A retro-looking police light that turns on every time we make a new sale!


New member
Hi all,

This is the first time I’m making and selling a hardware (IoT) product. I’m trying to start small by focusing on a specific niche first. It’s a physical notification device that you can connect to any app online (online stores, SaaS, CRMs, etc...) and when you receive notifications, It turns on and plays the sound of your choice

It’s a really fun product and makes notifications a lot more exciting and dramatic! It’s great for example to celebrate a new sale on your Shopify store. It could be used for so many other things though, and that’s where my challenge is.

Right now I’m focusing on online store owners, but maybe I’m wrong, maybe there’s a better niche to focus on. I’m really curious to hear your thoughts about :
  1. Who you think would be the best audience for this?
  2. How to go and reach out to that audience?
I couldn't find any similar product on the market, so it's hard to guess who would be the ideal user for this. Any feedback on my approach, website, or product idea, will be very helpful. I feel like I’m getting close to a launch but I just want to make sure I’m giving it the best chance of success by focusing on the right potential users first.

Thanks for the help!!
@therosary9 I think streamer subscriptions notifs are the best target audience for this. I think you should focus your efforts on supplying this market first because this is a great showoff product on stream especially with the customizable sounds. The other audiences will follow if this takes off. Good luck!
think streamer subscriptions notifs are the best target audience for this

That's an interesting point. Definitely, something I considered early on. There is something very visual about it that would translate well in streams.
As for reach, whatever you make from selling the units atleast a portion of that should go back to providing these units to medium/large streamers for free where they use and display it on their streams.
@ohageman5 Agreed, that's actually one of the ideas that excite me the most for promotion... sending a few samples to youtubers and streamers. I'll definitely try that.
@therosary9 Great product, I think it has real potential!

I’d echo what someone else has already said, which is that reaching out to streamers / content creators and setting it up for them could get you huge exposure.

I don’t even think you’d have to ask for a shoutout, link etc. either, if the product works as described then they’ll want it in their content for added energy.

Maybe ship them with a small logo or url sticker on them, so viewers can easily see what to search to buy one for themselves.

Beat of luck!
@therosary9 $50.. maybe?

Honestly it's really cool, but it doesn't really solve a problem. It's a novelty, and it looks a bit cheap.. like it's light as a feather, something plastic you'd buy off (at least from the pic).

A wooden base or something like that might help.

Edit: don't want to sound too harsh though, I definitely would buy it at $50.
@therosary9 This is cool, but realistically is likely to be a novelty product that people use for a month or two and then put in a drawer

If people work in an offices or a shared space, other people are going to get tired of it pretty quickly.. I used to work in a co-working space with soeone who had a shopify store and had set up a 'cha-ching' sound every time he made a sale.. Everyone thought it was awesome to begin with, but hearing it 20 times a day got old pretty quickly

At $119, it feels too expensive - I'd say $50 is a more palatable price-point.. Not sure if that works with your manufacturing cost
@graybeard Yeah, $50 is just about an impulse buy, especially if the checkout process is slick and I don't have too many opportunities to stop and consider my purchase

$170, or even $120, takes it to something I'd think about and would almost certainly realise that the money could be better spent elsewhere

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