Having a Dedicated On-Demand Remote Programming Team, Charged Per Minute


New member
Looking for opinions/demand for:

Imagine you're working in/creating a technology startup, that's looking to create an app and/or tech service that requires programmers but can't seem to afford it without giving more stake (Shares/board seat/etc) in the said startup. If there was a service which is GURANTEED (not talking about freelance workers, backed by a fully operating company), to be considered safe for the IP of companies, giving efficient, accurate work by top tier developers, which most importantly, is on demand, so it can be stopped, continued, or change direction whenever wanted, at a whim's notice, would you apply?

So i'm going to give an example in steps so perhaps you can better understand what i'm saying:
  1. You order, X hours of service. This service can be used to create new code, or, improve, & bug check existing code.
  2. A Project Manager divides the work that needs to be done into smaller, seperate pieces, and distributes them to developers (meaning the developers don't get the full picture/idea to be able to use it for themselves). --> The safe part.
  3. Developers begin working on your seperate pieces of code. Several different developers will contribute to your overall code. They do everything a normal in house programmer would do (This includes bug checking/etc). --> The efficient & accurate part
  4. They complete the code, it's free of bugs, etc.
  5. Project Manager verifies this.
  6. Project Manager compiles all the codes and creates one large piece that's market ready.
  7. If code doesn't work, repeat steps 3,4,5,6.
Now i understand that this service already exists, and can be outsourced cheaper towards the Asian continent (which i've heard poor reviews from), but this is under the assumption, what is required/desired is guranteed.

Do you guys have any thoughts?
@gym_class_hero I find that most developers offer this service. You hire a company - they assign you a project manager - they quote you either fixed price or per hour. If you go with per hour they will give you the correct amount of staff you need and charge you for any work they do. Once you want to stop - they just stop. If you want results guaranteed - then you will need to specify the exact requirements of the project prior to launch - and a fixed price option would work out cheaper. If you are not sure - hire per hour - but you can't guarantee results because you don't know what you want your result to be. Make sense?
@eugenelester It does.
Is there any market demand for this type of service?
Would there be any reservations as to why a startup would choose an in house developer/developing team than this service?
It seems more convenient and cheaper. Especially when you're considering benefits, retirement plans, etc

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