Help a new product get launch velocity


New member
Hi All,

We’re reaching out for any help or support we can get from fellow Product People and Start-up Hustlers.

Amber is doing our official launch on Product Hunt this Thursday/Friday! 🚀

For those who don’t know us, we are all about simplifying access to Bitcoin, especially for those who are new to investing in it.

Designed with #automation & #UX as high priorities, you can set up an instant one-off or recurring purchases of #Bitcoin. The great part is that you can start with as little as $5, with the option to dollar-cost-average at different time intervals (Monthly, Weekly, Daily).

As a team we are huge advocates for educating the general public on saving, economics, and financial literacy to help them grow wealth.

If you are up for helping us take Amber to a wider audience, this week is a great opportunity.

How you could help:

If you already have a PH account, please keep an eye out for the app listing on Thursday.

If you don't have a PH account yet, you can visit and it'll only take 30 secs to create one.

Once on there, follow our CEO Aleks, & you'll get notifications when Amber goes live!

⚡️ Amber App for iOS:

⚡️ Amber App for Android:

⚡️ Amber on Twitter:

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