Help me choose my Fintech startup name by rating it on (1-5) scale for each

@emtor It's difficult to label something without actually knowing what it does OP. Unless you go for a wordmark which doesn't mean anything.. like zekko.
@emtor FinZ is nice to remember and sounds like brand

Or we can help you to design, web/app development and manage services and support We have been in the market since 2018. If you need any help connect me. Before or after taking any quotation.
@emtor Your order looks good to me. Maybe book Zekko also, you can call one of your product with that name, it sounds catchy and memorable.




@emtor 1) Finzo
2) FinMan
3) FinDoctor
4) MrFin
5) DrFin
6) Finify
7) Fin-to-Fun
8) Fin-is-Fun
9) From-Fin-to-Fun
10) Port-Fin
11) MoFin (Can be pronounced as muffin)
12) FullFin

13) Dinero ( Spanish for money)
14) Rico (Spanish for rich)

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