Help me pick the best logo!


New member
Hello Indie Hackers!

I need help picking the best logo for my latest initiative:

It is the first side startup accelerator, tailored for people just like you. We accelerate part-time startup founders with office hours, tactical guides, networks and tools.

People who applied to Prefacta have been so far 100% software engineers; they are still working full-time at companies like Palantir, Twitter (X), Google, Garmin, Uber and Canva, and want to start their own business on the side.

Those talented professionals are stuck between a career that doesn’t reward them to the full extent of their skillset (being able to build complete SaaS from scratch, business and design-savvy engineers) - yet none of their side projects or full-time ventures have been paying off.

We bring side startup specific entrepreneurship methodologies, accountability and support to help SE go from zero to ready to quit in 90 days.

I have done everything on the website alone so far - but due to the very positive response, I am doubling down on it. I am currently working with a very talented designer from Italy I found on Fiver to make those logos below. Please let me know in the comments which one you like the most and why! Please specify if you would like a combination of two (i.e: this icon with that font).

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Also if you like those early drafts and have some logo/branding needs of your own - feel free to DM me - I will send you the contact of the designer (paid $250 USD for 2 full logo concepts and 5 revisions - very happy with him so far!)
@jjoseph ofc - here it is:
  1. Simple and modern iconography representing startups (rocket) and strong accent colour.
  2. Same but in black and white.
  3. Modern "P" shape, a bit of a cryptic style
  4. Usual "modern startup" vibe, friendly colours and look.
  5. 5 & 6 - using the Greek letter Phi ɸ, present in the golden ratio and the Fibonacci sequence, very important in arts, design, mathematics and physics. Plus, you can type it, which is sick IMO ɸɸɸ
@monk58 Nice. 5 is smart, others seems to have great thought too.

My assessment to suggest 3 was about signifying “moving forward” or evolving.