Help me Save my venture !!


New member
Hello kind folks,

Like some of you, I took the courage to start a venture of my own after being kicked out of a high-paying job. I'm in a tough spot right now where I'm running out of funds and struggling to stay afloat. To solve this, I am hoping to earn some 25-30k per month by putting in 3-4 hrs per day working from home. Does it sound doable or possible?

The skills I have

Excellent - Data Analytics using Excel/ Google Sheets, good at maths, creating dashboards and stuff

Moderate - Graphic Design using Canva and AI, Copywriting, researching and writing blogs and articles. I can even use R (moderate skill) to automate certain stuff for you.

Poor - Digital Marketing, Google Ads and PPC, website design and development.

While I am poor at this, I am desperate to learn since my venture is in online retails/ D2C.

Any of you looking for something/ someone with similar skill sets, part-time and wfh, please consider me. If you can refer me, that'd also be a great help.

I am not taking the Fiverr/ Upwork route since it takes a long time to scale up and you have to dedicate yourself full-time.

Also open to any other piece of advice that yall have.

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