Help me simplify the process of validating ideas and gathering feedback


New member
Hey guys! I'm building a app to validate SaaS ideas and simplify the process of gathering feedback at pre-launch and early stages of launch, and I have some questions I'd like to get some feedback, feel free to answer as many as you want:
  1. How do you consider an idea validated?
  2. What are the biggest pain points for validating an idea?
  3. What kind of feedback do you need to validate your ideas?
  4. Are there any existing tools or platforms you use to validate your SaaS ideas? If so, what do you like or dislike about them?
  5. What specific metrics or indicators do you look for to determine if a SaaS idea is worth pursuing?
  6. What kind of features would help improve the process of building and launching a SaaS?
  7. How do you currently gather feedback from potential users or customers during the pre-launch and early stages of your SaaS product?
  8. What are the biggest pain points of gathering feedback?
  9. How do you manage and prioritize feature requests and feedback from your early users or beta testers?
  10. What are your preferred channels for communicating with potential users or customers during the pre-launch and early stages of your SaaS product?
  11. Are there any specific pain points or challenges you've encountered while building and launching previous SaaS products that you would like to see addressed in an app like mine?
  12. What kind of resources do you use to plan your app, to-dos, features...
  13. If you have anything else to add please do
@oathtofaith I have something in the same space. I havent read your pitch / question all the way through because I’m on phone, but I would like to work with you. See my past comments for history

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