Help needed with oAuth with Google Calendar API


New member
We are required by Google to provide a YouTube video demonstrating how we'll use the data from scopes we ask permission for in our app.

Has anyone gone through this process and can share some tips on how to complete this successfully?
@kenlouise I’m currently going through the oauth verification process.

My app needs only needs verification for the sensitive scopes, but even this is taking months. Going back and forth.

Calendar API may be a restricted scope which might need an external agency verification prior to Oauth approval( might cost you around 15k to 75k . Not sure.)

I can understand how tedious it could be.

Though I do not have any tips to share, I wish you good luck to get the approval soon.
@kenlouise Yes I was asked to send a YouTube video. It’s already 50 days.

I have received an appeal. They asked me to make a change in my app(to get a user consent) and make a change in Privacy policy page too.

Made the requested changes and submitted. Waiting for the approval now.

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