Help required to find Target Audience


New member
Hi Everyone.

I'm starting a Design Agency that offers a flat monthly subscription for all kinds of Design Tasks. Our pre-launch is already started and I'm trying to capture some emails beforehand.

Now I've narrowed down my target audience to

- Project managers

- Team Leads

- HRs

- Marketing firms

- Development focused startups

Since I'm fairly new to marketing and trying to do everything on my own, I currently have no idea how to reach this target audience. I'm preferring everything online since this can't be done in my local area. Can you guys help me out with the next steps i.e reaching out to such people. I know social media can be a great start but which one would be best to target these specific people?


@cmarie212 Finding the right audience is hard, usually you have an idea and you might be 60% right. Here is some things that I find helpful
  1. Create a landing page offering something free or like a taste of what you can offer. Think of something that can scale but it's not your real product like templates, inspirational content, white paper, guide etc. A thing that usually works is offering your service free for a month with no commitment or something similar.
  2. Add a signup form on the site that also captures work title/company size etc. Everything you need to create a clear picture of your audience.
  3. Reach out personally though LinkedIn or collect emails through websites from people with interesting titles (go broad). Ask them to signup and be a part of your very personal launch or something.
  4. You can also create an ad on Facebook targeting work titles in different areas. Link the ad to your landing page.
All of this should give you some leads and also a better picture of your target group.

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