Help with name suggestions


New member
My son's and I are starting a small business focused on maintenance and installation of security cameras for businesses. Specifically video monitoring.

We've talked to a number of local businesses and the majority of them told us it was less difficult to get someone to come and do the initial install but virtually impossible to get somebody to respond when they wanted an additional camera installed or when there was an issue that need to be looked.

We are thinking of starting on the maintenance side, i.e. break fix and go from there. We all have day jobs and our schedules are very flexible to allow us to respond to any requests

We were thinking of calling the company "All EyeZ" but none of us are overly creative so we are soliciting other name ideas, hence, the purpose of this post.

Any thoughts on marketing would be helpful too but maybe that is another post
but, honestly, try to include what you do in a descriptive term of what you do in your business name if at all possible. it will help a lil bit with your SEO. e.g, "big brother surveillance" or something along those lines
@spacenl Well... personally, if I catch you trying to break into my home or on my property uninvited with ill intent, ICU is probably where you'd end up.
@muriels63 All Eyes isn't bad but I'd drop the Z on the EyeZ, it just comes off as a bit cheesy (no offense meant). It will also mean you have to spell it out everytime you're giving someone your web address or an email address.

At the end of the day having the perfect name is not as important as it feels but something everyone wants to nail, myself included.

The most important factor I think, is making it something that is easy to spell and easy enough for someone to remember when say a previous client of yours tells their friend to look you up online. Keep it straightforward
@muriels63 Do the math and see if it is worth it to even do the repairs. It looks like the big fish can't be bothered but is there enough left on the table for you to eat well?

Nija edit: call around to all the big companies and tell them to send the small jobs to you. No marketing needed. Be the scavenger that lives off their scraps until you grow big enough to do more.
@valsaex The money is in service contracts. The big guys will do the initial install and try to push a monthly contract for service and upgrades. Most people don't need that and decline. After that, the big guys don't care. They're raking it in from Pajeet that runs 15 convenience stores with 8 cameras each and only needs service once every 5 months.

OP should really do the math on that. Establish presence, see how often someone calls for service or upgrade or whatever. $10 or $25 a month from a bunch of customers can really add up. Especially if you only need to visit them once or twice a year.
@newmove 100 customers x $25 x 12 months =30k gross. Not terrible for a part time job... Not exactly appetizing either. At $50 it would be pretty good, but then again 100 customers is a shitload and may be a full time job.

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