Here are 9 UX problems users get upset about when using SaaS - and how to fix them

If user say:

1. "This is too hard" - simplify it

2. "I feel lost" - add guides to help them

3. "I don't get how to" - add instructions

4. "This part confuses me" - make that part clearer

5. "I don't get these words" - simplify the language

6. "Not sure if I did this right" - show them it worked

7. "Why do I need to do this?" - explain why it matters

8. "This isn't what I expected" - ask what they expected

9. "This is stressing me out" - find problems and fix them

What they say shows where you need to make improvements
@raisingarrowsmama Most important. If users say "the price is too high" the issue is, most likely, not the price. Price perception is relative to the effort to get the value or ROI. Dig into that first.

If anything, fixing all the other issues and increasing the price is the desired outcome.

Source: B2B SaaS product manager with 6 years of experience in the field

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