Here's why you can't find quality employees..


New member
Hiring and Sales go hand in hand… they both need MARKETING in order to produce quality results

If you can’t find customers… it’s not because there's a lack of customers who want your service, it’s because your company isn't right places at the time when they want/desire your service.

If you can’t find good employees…it’s not because there’s not good employees out there, it’s because when the good employees are looking, they can’t find you... (Or you haven't marketed to them properly)

The best companies are ALWAYS hiring because they know that the BEST employees aren’t unemployed or in NEED of a job...

The BEST employees are simply open to a “better opportunity”...therefore, the best companies want their ads out at all times for when those A+ employees decide to start seeking for that better opportunity.

With that said, when you post about the “job” make sure you’re posting about the “opportunity” not the "job"…

This will attract those who are eager to grow. Include some value points about your companies vision and values in the ad...and remember...(A.B.H) Always Be Hiring!

I did a recent podcast on this topic if you're interested in hearing more!



S2 Episode 82: Breakthrough Series: Mike Burwell, M&J Painting - A.B.H (Always Be Hiring)
@heyheyheynoname We paid our guys well, and encouraged them to bring their friends along if they wanted/needed a job too. We wanted them to be as happy as possible at work, and who doesn't like getting paid well while being able to shoot the shit with their friends all day?

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