Hey /r/business. I'm a new Mod! What can I do to help the community?


New member
Hey guys and gals!

I'm /@michaeljs. Avid electronic music fan and moderator of /r/electronicmusic.
  • How can I help push this sub in the right direction?
  • What content are you looking for?
  • What would you like to be rid of?
I'd love to hear your thoughts. Let's get this back on track!
@thechristianblogger oh man. This would be amazing.

If this sub could get some serious moderation like askscience or askhistorians, it would be a hub of business-related thinktankery.

Very good and interesting things could happen here.
@michaeljs I've also set up AutoModerator now, so that will help with the spam-related issues when our spamfilter goes down and starts letting everything through...
@michaeljs I own a small business and often come across small questions that I'm interested in finding the answer out to. I'd like to see more business related questions on here. For instance, what are some tax breaks you have found out about that you might think other people could find beneficial? What are some things that you have tried in your own business that have worked surprisingly well/not so well? Also, I'd like to see more business related data being posted on here like research done on certain sectors and why they are doing so good/bad. There's a lot that could be talked about obviously in this sub but those are just a couple things I'd like to see personally.
I own a small business and often come across small questions that I'm interested in finding
the answer out to. I'd like to see more business related questions on here. For instance, what
are some tax breaks you have found out about that you might think other people could find
beneficial? What are some things that you have tried in your own business that have worked
surprisingly well/not so well?

Try /r/entrepreneur /r/smallbusiness or /r/startups

Also, I'd like to see more business related data being posted on
here like research done on certain sectors and why they are doing so good/bad. There's a lot
that could be talked about obviously in this sub but those are just a couple things I'd like to
see personally.

A lot of the stuff you want was being drowned out by smaller blog postings so I collated them at /r/businesshub but over the weeks I noticed that the good quality posts were not just difficult to find but were being posted less often. I'd really like to see and will try and help this trend reverse.
@michaeljs You guys need to more clearly promote /r/greed and remove blatantly political stories. I submit a lot of humdrum business stuff while prime real estate on the front page is routinely dominated by stories of Wall Street malfeasance. Take a stand and clean the politics out.
@613jono In many situations, especially with very large corporations, politics and business become intertwined. However, I agree with Trill_I_Am and would encourage the mod(s) to err on the side of "this post is political and belongs elsewhere" so the other business information can be more easily seen.
@michaeljs You can probably help by offering some sort of transition process for mods that have specific interests or relationships to the topic of this subreddit, no disrespect to you! I'm a mod myself of a subreddit and frankly the best mods are those very knowledgeable and able to help spur good content. If you have an interest in business then by all means, but if not then perhaps train people who are interested in becoming mods

For now, short-term, just help with spam
@alexbd89 I'm an accountant and a business owner outside of reddit so I think I'm a good candidate! Hope you all think so too.

Spam-wise, it's being dealt with. Hopefully /@blueshaz will be able to clear things up. Lots of spammers on this sub.

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