Hey /r/Startup. I am 18, and I have just launched a kickstarter. Feedback is welcome!

@questionsandanswers A few things

-Crowdsoucing Q&A has been done before and it sucks. Unless it's very specific. One other person in the app might know hot to answer a question of what something is, how are you going to deliver that to that person?

-Google image search is pretty damn good already

-People take nasty pictures. Whether they are NSFW, low-lighting, blurry or in general just suck.

-People suck at queries.

How do you solve any of these problems?
@julia9483 Hey! Thank you for raising these issues.
  • I have not disclosed this on the Kickstarter, but the way that I am going to overcome the first issue is with a credibility system. All questions will be categorised (eg cars, fashion) so that other users can look at feeds of only certain questions. However, if a user wants to begin answering questions in a certain category, they have to take a short, 10 question quiz that establishes their base rank. Then, as they continue to answer questions, over time their rank will grow. I am working on systems that will, based on your rank and answering history, expose you to the questions that you are most likely to know answers to.
This credibility model is not employed by any of my current competitors such as Jelly.
  • Google image search is pretty damn good, but just not good enough. To think that it works solely off an algorithm & matching engine is pretty amazing, and taking that into consideration, its a good search engine. But, linking this to your next question, when images aren't perfect (low-lighting, blurry or in general just suck), google's reverse search engine just doesn't cut it.
  • This is exactly why huuno has the potential to be great. As my previous answer shows, image search engines are currently not powerful enough to handle pictures that aren't quite perfect. On the contrary, the human mind is able to look past such flaws. Also, in a certain image, there may be more than one item. Unless you spend your time cropping your photos before sending them to Google, how will it distinguish what you are trying to identify? In terms of nasty pictures, this is an issue with any service that allows users to upload whatever they want. Generally speaking, however, these communities tend to moderate themselves. Of course we will also provide moderation.
@questionsandanswers Sorry, but it's pretty obvious that you're only launching this Kickstarter for you and not your audience. 25 for a sticker, 100 for a t-shirt, 500 for a t-shirt and a thank you card - you've got to be kidding me. You need to shift everything down 1 slot. 10 for a sticker, 25 for a shirt, maybe 50 for something else.

Also, 500 for designers and developers? Are you doing this yourself? If not, you can probably buy about 10% of your idea.

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