Hi , Hardware Tech Startup here , HVAC . looking for friends in the US


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i`ve invented a new tech in the field of HVAC .

started in 2015 .

until now i find it difficult to get along with investors .

6 months ago, i shared a post here about the work . looking for potential partners .

a flood of negativity came rushing , questioning and doubting . and criticizing my attitude .

and mostly accusations of being a scammer .

these issues are minor compared to the real issues that usually a hardware technology startup might go through , specially the Technical Milestones , not to mention the financial Burdon that comes with such an endeavor .

anyways .

i`v figured out that the weakest point in my work is actually the circle of people that surround me ,

so i`v decided to build a new circle of friendships with people who share the same interests and might be of help to the work at hand .

my main goal from this is to "relocate " with my business and family to the US .

your cooperation will be highly appreciated .

below the line is all the information you need to know

Hardware info :

1- A new refrigeration cycle , comes with its own method & hardware of compression

2- same cooling output of conventional systems , but with only 10% of the power consumption

3- no need for outdoor units .

4- the prototype is ready for viewing only in "Malaysia " . physical demonstration of the tech with your own measuring tools of " power consumption and cooling capacity , "only cooling at this stage" , heating is still in the process .

Business info :

1- single owned by me , no other partners or Co-Founders until now .

2- started as a research in 2015 , but legally registered in 2019 . in Malaysia

3- R&D budget since 2015 is 50K usd / year

4- TRL stage is 4 out of 9 ( proven Tech) , needs more R&D , and didn`t go into production yet

Personal Info :

1- Yemeni Refugee , got out of Saudi Arabia in 2019 . Due to the ongoing war between Saudi and Yemen , Born in Saudi Arabia in 1980 as a foreigner . 0 rights .

2- 42 years old , a father of 4 , industrial engineer

3- the Yemeni passport represents a stateless land with no central bank or a government , no access to resources whatsoever ,

4- relocating to the states is a must . current negotiations with interested parties in the US are taking place but not finalized yet , due to financial uncertainty from both sides .

5- the ongoing war in Yemen prevents me from issuing any bank account details . if you are planning to cooperate , don't ask for financial documents . there are none .

Business Offer :

reserved seat of The "Co-Founder" for the one that will handle all the financial and the legal process of relocating me and my family and the business to the united states . legally and officially.

Links :

White Paper :


Company Profile :


3D prototype design of the first generation ,

specifications :

2HP 20000 BTU " Cooling only " . @ 0.24 Kw/h power peak consumption

Dimensions :

single unit . 190cm Height* 20cm width * 44cm Depth
@newoldme This again?

Power source for your 'Sub-Zero thermal bank'?

Power source for the 'mechanical leverage' of the 'ultra-high compression system'?

How do you expect the system to maintain the 'ultra-high vacuum' needed for the condensate collector?
@sandoftheearth come see it functioning . no details of the know how . until an agreement is signed .

1- power source of sub zero thermal bank :

the plug . the current system (2hp- ~20000 Btu ) compression system consumes 120 watts per hour to keep the cycle working .. the thermal bank is actually water and propylene glycol mixture to preserve the temperature ( it doesnt mix with the surrounding environment unless the client turns on the system to his specific temperature requirements )

2- mechanical leverage is " mechanical " .. built in , doesn`t require power .

3- the system maintains its UHV via the new "compressor" as mentioned earlier . the main job of the compressor is to evacuate from one side and compress on the other

hope that answers your questions
@newoldme 1- Interesting. 120 watts per hour on 240V input voltage?

Propylene glycol and water is the standard 'antifreeze' mixture used in automobile engine cooling systems. Propylene glycol can't be mixed with the surrounding environment (indoor or outdoor) as it's a hazardous toxin.

2- Mechanical leverage is mechanical, but something has to initiate actuation, that's why I asked.

3- The form mentioned using condensate pulled from the air, so have you been able to test this system in a low-humidity environment where that's not a viable option?
@sandoftheearth 1- yes , 120watts/h 240v single phase .

PG/water mixture is thermally isolated inside a custom tank . until the client requires the cooling , the system kicks in and starts releasing gradual amounts until his requirements are met .

its a closed system , the PG/water mixture doesn`t come to touch anything . its enclosed , the only thing that is exchanged is thermal energy via a custom heat exchange unit , built specifically for this project .

2- the mechanical leverage system is already part of the "compressor " , its a component of the new mechanism of the compressor .

3- the condensation process is to release the heat generated by compression . its a single stage. from three other stages . if the environment is too dry . the work required to cool it down will be eventually less than a more humid one . hence less heat rejection work . the other 2 stages will handle it comfortably .

the more humid the surrounding environment is , the more work is required to cool the same space . and the more work is required to reject the heat eventually .

so basically " drier " is better

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