Hi, would love to validate my idea here


New member
It may be a bit too late, as i have went ahead and developed it already, but it's now or never, so here it goes.

I developed a product called Flito (www.flito.io) for Software Development Agencies Working for over 8 years in the software development industry and being a software engineer myself, i have seen a flow happening again and again. A client reaches out to an agency with their idea. Let's assume they want a mobile app and a website/web app. Some sales guy from the agency sits with the client, either on the phone, or maybe on Zoom. In the fist meeting, the client shares what type of an app he wants (Android, iOS, Website, Desktop Software etc. etc.) and try to explain what features they want. The sales/tech person from the agency tries to talk back-and-forth to understand the client's idea more clearly. The client then shares his budget and timeline expectations. Finally, the agency takes a day or two to create a quotation for the client. Now two things happen here:
  1. Either the client ghosts or replies too late.
  2. They sit in more meetings to negotiate more on the pricing. After this, the agency either looses the client and/or agrees on terms that hurt them in the long run.
My product, Flito, aims to solve this hassle. It's a simple widget that an agency can put on their site. With this widget, a site-visitor or a potential client can:
  1. Choose what types of apps he wants.
  2. What features he wants (100+ Features currently enlisted, in 13 different categories)
  3. Finally, our AI shows an estimated cost & timeline for the project. The AI takes certain inputs from the agency to provide at-least 90-95% accurate estimations.
So i just wanted to get some feedback from the community on what they think of this idea. Is this something you think is viable for the cause ? Or did i aim for something not worth-while ?

(Note that this is the product that i have currently built, with the idea of a bigger picture - a project management solution - so i am thinking of this current product as a hook)

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