How a well-crafted “creator offer” dramatically improved my influencer marketing success rate


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How a well-crafted “creator offer” dramatically improved my influencer marketing success rate

If you're reaching out to influencers without a good offer:

-They might just ignore your DMs.

-They could quote you an arm and a leg.

-Or, plain simple, decline.

The solution is:

A compelling creator offer (a proposal brands give to influencers, outlining rewards like pay or products for brand promotion).

We used this for a cookies brand. They went from having 0 influencers posting about them to 35 influencers posting about them regularly, in just 1 month.

Here's how a compelling creator offer is made —

It has 3 elements:

1— Incentive for the creator

2— Deals for followers

4— Special perks for creators

Direct incentives for the creator:

This could be free products, commissions, or flat fees. The golden combo is — Send them free products and offer a commission on sales they generate.

It's a win-win. They get initial value and an incentive to truly back your product.

Deals for followers:

Many brands give discounts to people who purchase via an influencer's code or link. But you can get creative with this:

If someone buys via influencer links you can also -

👉 Give free shipping

👉 Add freebies to the order

👉 Offer free customization on your product (e.g. a bottle with customer name)

Distinctive perks for the creator:

This is where you let your brand shine uniquely.

-Organize exclusive retreats or gatherings.

-Invite influencers to product launch parties - give them the first scoop.

-Do you have a connection or an expert in your industry? Arrange specialized workshops they wouldn’t find elsewhere.

-Offer bonuses when they hit sales milestones. Set those clear goals and watch them be more driven than ever to promote your products.

I've jotted down the full strategy and 2 case studies. If you're interested to read, let me know in the comments & I will share.

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