How can Business adapt for success?

@kharis I didn’t know that he meant you need to acquire new and different BODY parts to adapt your business in this economy. I found this follow up videoI was skeptical, but I’m on my third new part and I’m starting to think he is onto something. I’m definitely on something.
@kharis Here is the list
  1. Technology
Technology is constantly changing. So we often assume that our businesses are outdated before they even begin. This is especially true for small businesses, where they may lack the resources to upgrade their technology. However, this does not mean that small businesses should stay stuck in the past. Instead, they should look at what technology offers them and decide whether it is right for their business.
  1. Human Resources
Small businesses need employees, but they cannot afford to hire large numbers of people. Instead, rely on freelancers and contractors. While this is a great option for many businesses, it requires constant vigilance to ensure that freelancers work efficiently and effectively. Hiring full-time staff is better in terms of paying salaries, benefits, and taxes.
  1. Customer Service
Online businesses have to offer excellent customer service to compete in today's market. This means offering 24/7 phone lines and live chat options. Customers expect instant responses from businesses, and they won't tolerate slow replies or long hold times. As well as being convenient for customers, excellent customer service is good for business, as it helps retain clients and builds a reputation for businesses.
  1. Social Media
Social media plays a huge role in modern marketing. Almost every business relies on social media platforms to increase its brand awareness, generate leads, and boost revenue. For reference, you can check B2B business QuickHR HR Software Singapore and how they are doing well in selling their services on social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and even Reddit are used by almost everyone, so it makes sense that businesses are willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on advertising on these platforms. It is important to note that not all types of businesses are created equal when it comes to social media marketing. For example, some businesses will be able to gain massive amounts of followers by offering discounts to influencers, while others will struggle to gain the same amount of attention.