How can I discover what I should be focusing on depending on where my business is at?

Hi everyone!

I just launched my clothing brand, Twin x Flames, 2 days ago on Friday the 13th! I did a 2 week pre-launch and I've been working on it for about 5 months now in preparation for this weekend!

Info for anyone wanting to look at it to get context:


IG: twinxflamesclothing

Now that my business is officially public and I'm fulfilling orders, I'm not really sure where to go now? I know there's a million things I will learn, and a million more I can do, but I'm getting a bit overwhelmed (ADHD brain) because I'm not sure WHERE to start.

Given we just started, my primary goal is simply brand exposure and building a following. Sales are important to me however it's hard to do that without much credibility or a foundation in my opinion. So my goal is that.

I'm focusing my efforts primarily on social media marketing and being a consistent poster whether it's a post, a story, or a reels video. Other than that, I'm not sure whether I start boosting posts and pay for ads, or find people who can help promote my business, or yada yada.

It'd be helpful if I could get some 1) guidance or 2) people to ask me questions that help me think about what I need to do. I find that it becomes more clear when people start asking me questions of where I'm at, what I want, what I think is most important, etc.

Thank you in advanced!
@christianityrocks Given you're in the early days, you're right about building a foundation. Social media consistency is clutch, but have you considered creating a content calendar? It helps streamline your efforts. I've been leaning on Boost App Social for fresh content ideas and it's been a game changer.

Btw, who's your target audience? Once you nail that, collaborating with micro-influencers could be a win for exposure. Also, have you pondered running limited-time promotions to create some buzz?
@reverie1 A content calendars always been on my mind but no I don't have one yet. That would be smart of me to focus on honestly because yes creating content daily is stressful haha. Not even for the level of difficulty of some of the content, more just banging your head against for ideas when you only got 2 products so far. I'll check out Boost!

It's a rave-inspired streetwear brand so all ravers in any capacity. I do have a few people I reach out that I know are heavy in the rave scene and have a decent following! Do you have any ideas on how to start collaborating and what would be beneficial?

And lastly, I have not thought about running limited-time promotions. I'm in the mindset I JUST launched so it seems silly to run that or devaluing to my brand. What're your thoughts?
@christianityrocks I think you should definitely try doing paid ads but what you are currently doing is also good because consistent posting definitely gets you some customers. Also I think that you should remove that about us button on the front because your first priority will be for them to visit your site and buy something.

Also, if you want someone professional to run ads for you then feel free to message me :)
@christianityrocks Since your store is a new one, there are a lot of things you can do.
  1. Build styling content around your brand. Like how to wear and style.
  2. Build up the SEO of website. I see it hasn't been done yet.
  3. Find out the communities on which your audience spends the most time. Talk about your products there.
  4. Run paid ads on IG to reach more people
  5. start blogging on the website. It will give more firepower to your online store
DM in case of queries. I can do a couple of things I mentioned
@wolmart Thank you!! I will definitely look into these as a starting point.

I didn't even think about the blogging that makes sense. I thought blogging was almost irrelevant for online stores these days, silly of me.
@christianityrocks Cool stuff. Love the designs. (Old hippie here).

A couple of suggestions...

First, I assume you know this, but I am going to say it anyway. I would work hard on following through with your brand 'voice'. Write a compelling story of you and the brand for the About page. Use that as positioning of your brand and then use that 'voice' in everything you do.

Second, Take some time to develop a multi-channel approach to marketing and messaging.

With a clothing brand like this, you should be able to gain traction in multiple channels; Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, etc. BUT, once you have an overarching plan, start by focusing on the channels that you know you can maintain consistent activity on. Don't over reach in the beginning.

Best of luck to you,

@nusue Thank you, glad you like it!!

Yes, those things are on my to-do list but I actually appreciate you mentioning it still because it gives me reassurance and there is no shortage of that right now haha. Happy to take any additional guidance you might have as well.

Thank you very much!
@christianityrocks De nada.

One of the comments was about blogging. That's a good path to help with SEO. But, I think I would prioritize Instagram, Pinterest, FB, etc.

For blog content, You can use ChatGPT to write content but always edit and rewrite to match your message and audience.

If you decide to be a bit more aggressive on FB, I've found a tool that helps you automate Facebook engagement. It works especially well if you start a FB Group.

If you want to know more about that let me know.

Otherwise, keep grinding. :)
@christianityrocks This is amazing!!! I love where you're at currently!! Such an awesome brand!!

So a few things I would consider:
  1. Who is my target audience? and Am i reaching them?
  2. How often am i posting?
  3. Is my content in harmony with my brand?
These baseline questions help with the overall growth of your business on social media. Once you find out who exactly you want to serve and why, then you can base you content for them specifically.

Then, make sure you are posting AT LEAST one post per day on each of the social media platforms (Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube Shorts). I recommend short content videos because they typically get pushed out faster and more often.

And with your content, just make sure that it is feeding your audience what they want. Once you got that down, they will always be willing to view your content no matter what. Connect with the audience. Talk about your experience.

And go crush the game. I can send you a direct message if you would like further assistance

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