How could these indoor 3D maps add real value to customers/industry?


New member
We can automatically generate good lookin’, interactive, indoor 3D maps, but we’re having trouble coming up with situations/business ideas where this would solve a real need and isn’t a “soft” use case. Have any ideas? We’re completely open ears/eyes.

Clip of map in action

  • Input is GeoJSON derived from CAD files
  • Could theoretically build anything on top of it with an SDK and APIs that enable customization
  • We’ve tested the use case of visitor wayfinding (mobile, web, kiosk, etc.), but we consider those soft use cases (as do the locations), and not necessary to the experience of those places
@laflauta We have this at my company except it's 2D like google maps, people use it all the time. I've often thought about making a 3D version though to be able to do a kind of "street view" feature (and because I want to play with 3D modeling/WebGL) but I've never got around to it.
@quietthinker I can see large buildings that are also tourist attractions use something like this as an interactive tour/map. Put it on a big touch screen and it'll be very useful to the average person
@quietthinker Surely you have ptiched this to real estate? The link there is pretty obvious. Especially when trying to sell 'off the pla' designs.
You will have no trouble selling this...depending on your pricing models.