How do I automate welcome emails to new users of my app?


New member
I feel stupid writing it, but I suck at the marketing part and I am building solo so want to get that right and easy as possible.

I saw a post a few weeks ago by a marketer saying they were surprised at how many products don’t send 4-5 welcome emails after sign up (spread over a few days I guess?).

I felt personally attacked.

I want to get this right but actually know nothing about this aspect of building a product. Is this the type of stuff services like mail chimp does? Or sendgrid?

If anyone’s using any service they can recommend in that regard I’d hit you appreciate it.

I guess the main requirement is that I can add new emails vi my backend (using firebase so cloud functions) and it will automatically send the emails spaced by a define length from signup date.
Or if you think there’s a better way of doing things I’d love to hear about it.
  1. Welcome email upon registering, just a thank you and links to faq, YouTube videos etc.
  2. Trigger based email, if a user uses a feature for the first time,send a tips and tricks email, benefit of this is you only need to track first use and it takes care of itself over time.
  3. Day 3-4 check up email, how's things, you seen this feature etc,
  4. Day 7, you enjoying yourself, any feedback? Here's a discount code, etc.
  5. Day 10, a run down of fewtures they haven't used yet, how useful they are and some cta for upgrading.
You need to space out the emails so its not spammy and they create value, keep a table of feature and users using it, use that in a cron to send emails out, use mailgun/sensgrid to send pre made emails with variables for username and any other custom fields you might want,

Have fun
@lohan Might be never tried! Though AWS always feels to me like it’s more fitting in scaled where I’m more after the canva of this “problem” I have. Will check it nonetheless! Thank you
@10tricia18 Nearly any email service provider will support sending automated welcome emails. The catch may be that you have to pay for a higher tier to use the data input method you want or have access to the automated campaign feature.

If you visit any of the software review sites, you should be able to find a chart that compares various choices.

If you want to search for specific providers, use the term triggered emails or just welcome emails (which are almost always triggered).
@10tricia18 Are you a startup? I can’t recommend enough for that. You can get it for free for 12 months.

You can setup up onboarding emails, trigger based sequences, usage email, newsletters. You name it.