How do I go about surveying my ideal respondents?


New member
Hi folks,

I'm looking to turn my idea into a startup. I need to survey the following groups of people in the job market:

- Group A: not working and actively applying

- Group B: not working and not applying

- Group C: working and actively applying

- Group D: working and not applying

- Group E: recruiters from small/medium companies (employee count < 1k)

- Group F: recruiters from larger companies (employee count > 1k)

The survey questions are specific and relate to their experiences/thoughts on job applications and interview processes.

How do I go about doing this? The existing studies/surveys I've found online do not have a large enough sample size and do not ask the questions I have.

I'm thinking about reaching out to influencers who have a large following on LinkedIn, TikTok, IG, etc, and paying them to share a link to a survey that I could create.

I'm open to using a professional survey company as well, but just not sure who to go to.

Thanks for reading! Responses are appreciated.
@uniseal I'd make a survey in then share it on all social channels as well as a vision for your business. OR... make the site first and put the survey on the homepage along with a discount code for those who complete the survey. Then, you could contact influencers with a doc outlining your vision. They may even want to take part for no cost if they believe in what you're doing.