How do tech startups find their first clients? 🔎


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Finding the tech startup's first clients can be a challenge. Where do you start? 🔎
  1. It is important to begin by having a solution to a specific target group’s problem.
  2. You can then craft an intriguing message that will draw in potential customers and reach out to the first clients to create an even bigger buzz around the product or service.
  3. Importantly, giving clients the opportunity to test the product (e.g., via a free trial) is also a convincing move.
  4. Plus, strategic marketing tactics and networking are essential for tech startups seeking their first customers. Networking with other tech companies who have already established a foothold in the tech industry can open doors to new prospects as well as give ground for an organic referral system of customers.
  5. Additionally, when crafting initial sales pitches or marketing campaigns, it is important for tech startups to focus on making a unique and intriguing angle that easily summarizes what the tech startup does and exemplifies its purpose within the tech industry.
It might sound simple, but there’s a lot more to obtaining your first clients. When done correctly, tech startups can find their first clients through meaningful connections and tailored messaging that captures their audience’s attention. 💻

In a recent interview, the founder of Brainboard (a single platform to manage all cloud infrastructures ☁️) shared insights on how they approached their first buyers, who and why they targeted, and how they prefer to communicate with clients. As a bonus, there are multiple other tips for startups too! 👉

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