How I convert 28.64% visitors into email subs (without gating content)


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Google Analytics says we convert 14.51% of our traffic into leads.

That means that out of 2,824 people that visited our site, 809 converted into a lead. So that's actually a 28.64% conversion rate.

(Google Analytics looks at conversions/sessions)

Now, the industry average website conversion rate is 3.83%, so these stats ain’t bad, huh?

Before I show you exactly how I get these crazy conversion rates, let me tell you why that matters.

Marketing really has just two obstacles you need to face.

One is the traffic problem.

Second one is the conversion problem.

You need to solve both if you want to grow your SaaS business.

Here’s what I did to make sure every single conversion on our website fueled our further growth towards $135K ARR:

✔️ Built an email list

✔️ Promoted our product inside lead magnets

✔️ Generated repeat website visits for free

✔️ Grew our community

✔️ Converted visitors into paying customers on autopilot

This allowed us to rapidly grow our most important assets in just 5 months:

🔸 From 273 to 2,189 email subscribers

🔸 From 553 to 3,340 monthly website visits

🔸 From 452 to 1,389 Facebook group members

...and even get Peep Laja (founder of CXL) on my podcast.

Keep reading and steal my entire strategy in just 2 minutes.

To Gate or Not to Gate...

There’s this ongoing discussion about gated content.

I say both sides are right. But only a few do it right...

Do not gate content. Gate complementary resources.

Here’s how that works…

You’re reading some type of How to build a landing page article.

Once you’re almost done, somebody asks you… Hey, you seem to be enjoying this, do you want our highest converting landing page template?

You’re probably gonna say yes to that.

Why? Because it’s an offer that complements the very thing you came for.

3 Key Elements of a High Converting Lead Gen Machine

⚡What you see: Opt-ins that stop your scroll.

My highest converting opt-ins have 3 things in common:

✔️ Catchy headline

✔️ Clear body copy

✔️ Talk about the outcome, not the vehicle

✔️ Call to action with clear expectations

You need to get into your prospect’s shoes. Why would they give you their precious email?

Call out their biggest pain point and highlight the greatest benefits they’ll get if they opt-in.

⚡What you get: The offer that knocks you off your feet.

This one is the deal-breaker. Even if Gary Halbert wrote your copy and nailed the opt-in, it’s still gonna convert under 1% if you offer your visitors to subscribe.

Because that’s just a lame offer that means nothing to the person you’re talking to. You need to offer them a resource that they can’t find anywhere else, something that will really make their lives easier, and ideally, save them time, save them money, or make them money.

(that 2021 Industry Report won't work)

Here are some of our examples:

✔️ Writing guidelines we used on our road from 0 to 479,000 monthly organic visits

✔️ SEO ROI calculator we use to plan our projects and estimate returns

✔️ 60 Facebook groups where we find all our writers

These are a direct solution to the biggest problems for our SEO audience. And that’s why these convert so well. We keep getting comments like these...

⚡Where you get it: Placement that’s not intrusive.

You know those annoying pop-ups that we all hate?

Well, they are just one of the opt-ins you can use. And yes, there are some way better, way less intrusive solutions.

Highest converting ones are INLINE opt-ins.

They load inside the content your audience is consuming. Add that to the fact that your offer is complementary to the content they’re reading, and you’ll get an opt-in that converts amazingly while keeping your website spam-free.

Here how I place them:

🔹 First one around 25% of the page

🔹 Second one around 60% of the page

🔹 Last one at the bottom

Again, make sure your opt-in offers are complementary to the content your audience came for in the first place.

(offering a cold outreach template on your keyword research article won’t do)

Got any questions? Shoot them below.
@plumbing101mike SEO ROI - What are you measuring and how do you define success?

What are your writing guidelines?

Can you share how you source writers? How do you find good ones? How much are you paying?
@inlovewithmybestfriend We have 25 inhouse writers, but they don't work on internal projects (and that's what the site I'm showing is), I'm the only guy on the marketing team here.

Like I said in the comment above, all the content was done by the CEO + me.
@iamremnantband Most content on the site was written by our CEO, and the rest by me.

Lead magnets are the resources we already use, so I just spent a bit of time to adjust them for public use.

And then I did the full setup (OptinMonster, WP, email automation, etc) but that doesn't take forever. We have something like 20 articles on the site (and 6-7 opt-in campaigns, 4 email sequences to deliver the lead magnets).

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