How I made it to #7 on PH and got 623 Unique page visits, 279 downloads, and was featured on 2 large publications


New member
After about a month of planning, we launched WebCheck AI on Product Hunt!

WebCheck AI is a chrome extension that gives you context on what you read online.

Here are our STATS for the week of launch (we had no traffic before launch):

Unique page visitors: 623Extension Installs: 279Publications featured: 2

Here is what I did:

Prelaunch:-Created Upcoming Page on PH's Ship. Pro tip: Make sure to import subscribers for credibility. It will then you show x subscribers instead of 0 and get you more.-Joined all relevant FB Groups/ Subreddits/ Slack channels.-Crafted personalized messages for all groups. This is key.-Twitter PMd 1,000 tech journalists giving them a heads up and asking for feedback.Twitter PMd top 500 Product Hunt Makers and Hunter giving them a heads up and asking for feedback.-Made a list of 50 friends who would UpVote the first hour.-Found a top Hunter.

Launch Day:-I spammed every FB Group/ Subreddit/ Slack channel asking sharing my product acting for their support and feedback (not their upvote). Note: each message was personalized to the audience I was posting to.-I messaged every tech journalist and hunter who had shown interest when I first reached out with a link to the page asking for support and feedback.-Emailed the subscribers I had amassed on PH's upcoming page.-Twitter PMd every subscriber I had amassed on PH's upcoming page (PH gives you their twitter handle).

Protips:-Do NOT ask friends to create PH accounts just to Upvote you. This will affect you negatively. Only ask people who already had active PH accounts.-Do NOT launch unless you have a top hunter submitting for you. If you look at the PH About Page you will find a list of hunters who have the power to get you featured just by submitting your product. It will be up to you to get upvotes and downloads/ subscriptions but this will get you on the front page.-Add the PH badge to your site.-Launch at 12.00 am PST time.

Let me know if you have any questions or if you had a chance to try WebCheck yourself. I would love all the feedback I can get.

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