How much raise should I get ??


New member
I started with this startup around 11 months ago and I was on the growth team and i the first growth/marketing hire. Company had no sales team no marketing nothing just startup we grew the company 500% in less than a year today got like 25 full time employees and a huge team. I started convo of like hey I deserve a promotion but management seemed like it's pushing it back for a month or so. Am confused what is right move here and I think I will get a promotion in a month or 2 but am not sure how much should be considered a good enough raise.

Note: there have been 2 people, 1 me and another senior person responsible for the entire growth got all the meetings and did everything, he has left 4 months ago and I took over and am killing it.
@possy Find another job offer and get a quote for the pay range they are willing to pay you. Use that range to negotiate a higher income.

Side note: You have the most leverage when the company is just getting started. It sounds like you don't have a lot of leverage to negotiate now. It also sounds like the "team" is responsible for the success. I would want to know your specific value that made the company successful. Place a dollar value on that and use that to help make your case. If you are the only one in the company that can provide that specific value even better.
@moskva Yeah that is the thing I think if I leave right now we love 100 meetings a quarter and I am solely bringing in Rev adding 2M in pipeline a year alone nobody else is even doing 100k a year so I think I got leverage. Just don't know how much I am expecting at least 50% raise but I don't wanna sound crazy at the same time.
@possy 2M in pipeline a year is 2M in leverage. I am not suggesting you leave. I'm suggesting you get offers from other companies based on your results. Uss that data to support raise amount.
@moskva Yup exactly doing that question is I think my comp is low ita 120k was hoping a 50% boost you think it is good number?? Or higher or lower I am even thinking to just get other offers I think I can go close to 180k for other companies easily. Only staying here cause it's around a year now and I was expecting to lead a team and get a good promotion but issue is don't know when that will happen and if I leave, I might have to start from 0 at another company(looking at the Job market currently), sp its a lot of that. Even thinking to start something of my own
@possy We make data driven decisions, right? So I say gather the data 1st and then increase the rate however you feel. Then you will know if your company is trying to low ball you or not.
@possy You've clearly been a driving force behind incredible growth at this startup. If management is reluctant to promote you after spearheading 500% growth with minimal resources, it may be time to revisit the conversation firmly- highlight your invaluable contributions and get clarity on a reasonable time line and compensation increase that reflects your impact.

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