How much should I charge for photo/video freelance?


New member
Context: I live in Atlanta ga. I have a sub par camera (eos M50 with a 45mm lense). I’ve done 8 or 9 photo/video gigs just by word of mouth and networking and 3 were paid and I really enjoy it and people are always thankful for it and the work.

For the paid ones I charged about 40-50 bucks for the whole things (usually like 2-3 hours). And so far I’ve gotten glowing reviews. Everyone’s spoken something along the lines of conveying that this is above average quality (definitly better than smartphone)

I honestly enjoy doing it for free just to help out the artist or individuals, but if I were to start charging what would be a good rate for an amateur, with medium quality equipment.

I want to be able to have price range options for poor artist and for more professional jobs.

P.S. what are some good ways to network and find opportunity?
@gregory95 If you first couple gigs has great photo and video outcomes charge more. People associate price with quality and a higher price will make more sense if you don’t want to be swamped with gigs and make small pocket change. Also, clients seem to care about the project more and will take you more seriously.
@gregory95 My friends and family rate is $50 an hour not including editing time.

If you have a good portfolio. You can charge by hour or by job. I wouldn't do anything for under $250.

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