How Should I Value My Startup for Angel Investors with These Results?


New member
Hello insightful folks,I am the founder of MarketOwl, a venture aimed at democratizing marketing for small businesses through AI (B2B SaaS but with B2C prices). A month post our launch, we've garnered over 120 registrations and have 5 paying customers, achieved without any formal marketing. The conversion rate from website visitors to paying customers exceeded our expectations by 1.7 times.

Now, as I am steering towards seeking angel investment, I am in a bit of a conundrum regarding the valuation I should put forth. Here are some key points about us:
  • Our core team of three is working full-time, each bringing a wealth of experience to the table.
  • We've been bootstrapping till now, and have a registered company in Delaware.
  • Our CTO has 30 years of experience in software development, having built products used by hundreds of thousands daily.
  • I have a decade-long journey in marketing, and our designer has had a product engaging a million users a month.
The goal with the angel investment is to broaden our AI marketer scope to other platforms and accelerate our growth.

Given these factors and our early traction, I am keen on understanding how I should go about valuing MarketOwl for potential angel investors.

Any insights, experiences or advice would be immensely appreciated.Thank you in advance for your time and input!
@mommy25 Maybe you can ask for advice from angel investors on where to put your valuation. Ask them for comparable deals they are looking at now. Then price yours competitively. You know what they say, if need money ask for advice and if you need advice ask for money. Ultimately, it's a negotiation so there is no mathematical equation to derive your valuation. Your valuation should be whatever an investor feels is a good deal.

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