How To Best Use LinkedIn For Your B2B business


New member
LinkedIn is a super powerful tool that B2B brands and businesses can use to reach the right customers. A recent article even suggests that LinkedIn can get you 4x more traffic than Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. That is, if you use it the right way. Here are 8 ways that you’re (most likely) fucking up on LinkedIn:
  1. Your LinkedIn company page isn’t finished
  2. You immediately sell to people after connecting
  3. You’re inconsistent with your status updates
  4. You post too much content.
  5. You haven’t personalized your LinkedIn profile URL.
  6. You use LinkedIn like Facebook
  7. You copy-paste your connection request messages
  8. You skip out on your contact info section
You can learn more about each one more in-depth and how to improve your LinkedIn game here.

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