How to build a side project or startup the wrong way


New member
Hey guys, Today I launched my app Talo on the iOS App Store! While I’m super ecstatic, it took way too long! Yes…I did use this title to get more clicks (just being honest), but I do want to share a few things that I think slowed me down and if avoided, should speed up the launch of whatever your working on.

Things not to do
  1. Use unfamiliar tech
  2. New projects are often used as test dummies for learning new tech. If speed is your goal, use the tech stack your most comfortable. I really wanted to learn Go programming language, so one of my main backend services was written in it. While this was an invaluable experience, it took me so long to do basic things. Then when I finally knew what I was doing, I had to go back and rewrite a lot of code.
  3. Don’t prioritize testing
  4. It’s normal to test code at your 9-5, but many developers skip testing on their personal projects. Not only is it good practice, but proper testing will save you from unexpected bugs in your service, especially when you have real users using your “masterpiece”. I have multiple forms of tests now, but in the beginning, I skipped testing because I didn’t know how to with Go. This caused me a lot of unnecessary debugging sessions.
  5. Rush your launch on sites like product hunt
  6. So I hired a Fiverr designer for mockups, added descriptions, and needed details. I scheduled my launch 30 days out. AND I WAS STILL WASNT READY. At midnight two weeks ago I woke up to see Talo on product hunt with not enough images, subpar copy, and worst of all no links to my app on the App Store. Take your time planning, scheduling, and executing your launch. I missed a big opportunity.
  7. Hurry up and submit your app for review for App Store
  8. I’m embarrassed to say how many times my app had to be reviewed by Apple App Store reviewers. Apple was definitely picky at the end of the road, but most of my submissions were rejected from just plain stupidity. Make sure you thoroughly review any App Store policies, make sure you provide valid testing credentials, and test your app as much as possible. Beta tester feedback was very helpful for Talo’s growth.
  9. Build what you want
  10. Sure your idea may come from an initial selfish desire, but if you plan on having a lot of customers, you better start letting your target audience direct what features you add next. In the beginning I design the app based on what I thought I would prefer. This caused a huge headache to beta users. Have many iterations and working with testers. I finally got to a ux they could work with.
Closing Thoughts

All in all, I am happy with Talo v1.0.0, but I think, because of a lot major missteps I took, my launch took way too long. Don’t be like me and build your project the right way.

If you have an ethnical background or have a mixed culture family, and you are looking to feel more connected to that culture (ex: my wife is Samoan and I am black), check out Talo. It’s a safe place to learn and engage with different cultures.

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