How to do marketing on Reddit with zero budget


New member
Hey, fellow indie hackers! 👋

I recently wrote a post on Twitter about how you can use Reddit to market your product and find early adopters. Here is the full post:

So you want to market your product on Reddit?

Here are some things I've learnt while doing it for the past month.


Don't start this with a fresh account. Also, don't make only self-promoting posts - engage and have conversations with people on different subreddits. This way, your account doesn't come off as spammy.

Choose a subreddit

Here is a list of general subreddits you can post to:

• r/InternetIsBeautiful

• r/SideProject

• r/selfpromotion

• r/alphaandbetausers

• r/IMadeThis

• r/betatests

• r/growmybusiness

• r/roastmystartup

• r/indiebiz

• r/Entrepreneur

• r/EntrepreneurRideAlong

• r/microsaas

• r/GrowthHacking

• r/ProductHunters

• r/design_critiques

• r/SaaS

• r/thesidehustle

• r/startups

• r/indiehackers

• r/TestMyApp

You can also find different subreddits specific to your industry/niche or even tech stack (e.g. r/NextJS). Don't post everything in the same day. Be smart about it and spread out the posts.

Read the rules carefully

If not, you will get permanently banned from the subreddit. For e.g. r/entrepreneur requires min. 10 subreddit karma and r/InternetIsBeautiful doesn't allow products that have a sign-up.

Reddit is very sensitive in this regard, so make sure you 100% don't break any rules.

Meet the requirements

I'll give two examples here.

• r/Entrepreneur - Engage with other posts until you reach 10 karma on the subreddit. It also doesn't allow posts that are purely self-promotional, so make sure you include some value in there and link to your product in a more subtle way. People that are interested will check it out anyway.

• r/InternetIsBeautiful - Your product probably has a sign-up. To avoid getting banned, you can add a query parameter to the URL of your landing page (?ref=internetisbeautiful) and hide your sign-up buttons and forms in the code. Alternatively, you can create a free micro tool related to your product and post that. The latter is much better, but takes significantly more time and effort.

Create a post that will get attention

You don't want your post to get ignored, so don't skip this step. In the subreddit, sort the posts by Top > This month, This year and All time. Study the most popular posts. Find common patterns and what works best. This will vary a lot for each subreddit. For example:

• On r/entrepreneur, posts about entrepreneurship and your journey in general will be far more popular than a post about your product. Talk about what milestones you've achieved so far, how you got there, etc.

• On r/SideProject, a quick video showing off your product performs the best. In the replies, write a bit about your product and attach a link.

This doesn't require you to be creative or think outside the box. Figure out what the subreddit you're posting to stands for and what kind of people hang out in there.

Also, don't be lazy - write the post yourself and don't just use ChatGPT. It's too obvious and you will get downvoted into oblivion. The post should be authentic and personal, so please spend some time writing it.


People will start replying to your post. If it really takes off, you'll start receiving DMs. Engage with everyone, but don't try to sell your product.

Have genuine conversations and if your product solves their pain point, it will naturally lead in that direction or they'll just buy it.

Have thick skin

Reddit can be a wild place. There are plenty of great and supportive people, but also a lot more trolls. No matter what you post, some people will find a way to insult you. This is especially true if your post goes viral. Don't take these to heart - they're just empty insults by people that have nothing better to do with their time.

On the other hand, listen to constructive criticism and apply it to better yourself and your product.

Final thoughts

If you've read this far, I hope you learned something new and useful. Apply these tips before you post on Reddit and I'm sure you will see some success.

Now go make some Reddit posts! 💪

Here is the post on Twitter and the results that I've gotten from using these tips, if you want to check that out.

I hope that you find it useful and can apply the same tips in your indie hacking journey!
@reborndestiny Very good post. Especially what you say about trolls and people insulting. No doubt about it. And yes, it happens with all viral posts!

Very good!

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