How to drive traffic to your SaaS with 0 followers


New member

I recently pre-launched my SaaS and was able to get 95,000 in organic traffic with 0 followers.

The main thing I did was concentrate on organic ranking platforms. Best examples Include
  • Reddit
  • Tiktok
  • Youtube / instgram reels
  • X / Twitter communities
If you make interesting posts or videos that focus on telling a story, it is incredible how many people will support you.

If you are interested in seeing my full strategy checkout my recent video Here
@calo Many have mentioned that Product Hunt is ineffective for early traffic acquisition for most publishers; it's more of an endorsement platform.

Followed you on X, and joined waitlist of LaunchCopy.
@avalynn Yea I think product hunt isn’t perfect but what people say is a bit overrated. In my opinion it’s still one of the best. Marc Lou says Hacker News is really effective for launching tho
@calo It’s very difficult to get to the top where most of the meaningful traffic comes from but there is a benefit in getting the backlink from PH to boost your site’s domain authority - especially important in the early days.

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