How to find tech founders


New member
We have created our idea, made an MVP, and are close to launch.

I've been reading and learning a lot and most say the team is the most important
Our solution is a SaaS and the current 2 founders aren't tech savvy enough to do much so we need some one with the tech chops to lead that side.

How do we find someone like that to join our team?
We are in a smaller town in Oregon and have no real connection to silicone valley type people.
@vijays Lots of matchmaking communities exist. Y combinator is one.

If you are looking for a great technical person to work for free in exchange for equity you will have to really sell them on the product.

If you have cash/early revenue then skip the position for now and hire your engineers with a partner who manages it for you. Happy to give more info on this if you think it’s a fit for your circumstances.

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