How to Grow LinkedIn Business Page?


New member
LinkedIn Company Pages are similar to Facebook Pages. They have limited organic reach compared to LinkedIn profiles.

A prospect reached out to me asking for LinkedIn page growth, I'm sharing 10 ways I suggested them to grow LinkedIn pages, I couldn't think of anything else.

10 Ways to Grow Your LinkedIn Business Page
  1. Sending invites
  2. Sending DMs to your connections to follow the page (spammy, not recommended)
  3. Commenting using Company Page on popular posts using this extension (Get likes on the comment so it appears on the top)
  4. Posting jobs
  5. LemPod for engagement
  6. Influencer Marketing
  7. Asking everyone in the team to include LinkedIn Page link in their email signature
  8. Running a giveaway promoted via influencers (requirement to enter giveaway could be following the company page)
  9. Running ads
  10. Ask the team to tag the page when they post updates on LinkedIn profile
Do you have any other strategies to add to the list? Let me know in the comments.

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@dayna Thanks for sharing, have used many of these apart from posting jobs. Somehow my new business on LinkedIn a getting good reach. Even better than my personal profile with 1.43k followers. Linkedin is very unpredictable in terms of giving reach :)
@dayna Very nice info!

But, I wanted to ask...If we follow all these 10 tips then does the type of content we post on LinkedIn matters?

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