How to sell my highly profitable e-commerce brand? Will you be interested?


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In the first year of running, we generated close to $100k USD in net revenue for that year, in our second year of running, we did $30k USD a month net revenue. We have all the data and analytics on our shopify page to verify. (We have a 400% profit margin before running ads and a 40% profit margin after running ads, something like 3-5x ROAS). I was also running this whole brand myself, so if I had a team, I could easily scale this even more.

I am not a businessman but I love biohacking. I created sleep solutions for individuals that used melatonin. We spent a lot of money creating the product, R&D, creating a branding, hundreds of ad creatives and variations with different influencers which can be upcycled. The idea behind our sleep product is that to some degree, everyone has sleepless nights. So we created 2 products to target 2 segments of the market: (People who want instant sleep solutions that work in 10 minutes; and people who want the safest sleep solution - non drug, don’t have to eat pills etc.)

Why is this a great business? It has high demand and low supply regarding options on the market. Meaning low competition. It is a price inelastic product, meaning people are willing to pay a lot of money to solve their sleep issues (it can be very frustrating not being able to sleep, something we all spend one third of our lives doing). And most importantly, it is subscription based, meaning if you have insomnia, chances are that you will be relying on some type of sleep aid for the rest of your life, or at least months to come, which guarantees you recurring revenue. And insomnia is on the rise everywhere due to the over stimulation from gadgets before bedtime and unhealthy bedtime habits that exist all over the world. A strong and direct pain point, with a strong and direct solution makes your marketing super easy to work with. We have tested all the different marketing angles and can give it to you, our best tested CTA, Hook, Body etc.


Fastest - Melatonin Aromatherapy Diffuser (similar to the brand “Cloudy” (they are a multi million dollar company) but our device was better in every regard; having longer battery, better taste, more premium feel to the material). Target audience is generally younger and more risk averse individuals

Safest - Melatonin Sleep Patch (The world’s first 15mg melatonin sleep patch in a water based material; there are MANY benefits of a patch such as this compared to ordinary routes of administration and customers obviously love it as an alternative since we have the numbers to prove it; i’ll go into the science in more detail and share the scientific journals etc. regarding why this product is unparalleled to all other options on the market right now) Target audience is generally the older and more conservative audience. This product is just an all around damn good product that solves a lot of problems in the market.

Complimentary Upsell - And the world’s most comfortable sleep eye mask for a fraction of the price of what’s sold on the market. (Basically solved every problem that comes with a conventional eye mask; the design is truly revolutionary; blocks 100% of light no matter your head size and does not press on the eye, is breathable, adjustable, washable…)

There’s no doubt that as a sleep brand, we have all the inner workings and product figured out perfectly, you just need to replicate this model elsewhere and it’ll kick off too. We also have R&D into multiple other product types like anti-snore tape for both genders, and bamboo fabric pajamas that feels even comfier than silk.

We have about 200k USD in inventory and are looking to sell the company. How do I go about doing so? Ideally I am looking for someone who is looking for a proven business idea to take this brand off my hands.

Reason for selling; we innovated in a country whereby melatonin is a prescription only medication (Malaysia) - so we are suddenly not allowed to sell here anymore. I am not a business guy and don’t know how to pivot and start selling this overseas, and having to deal with regulators in Malaysia has been a headache, I’m truly truly burnt out. I just want to move on but I also have this golden goose in my hands that I would like to pass on to the next person to start overseas. Melatonin is considered a supplement in all other countries and does not even need to be regulated by the FDA. Our products are also CE certified by Europe's health and safety standards, so you will be able to sell without any issues in your country. (Only Japan, Thailand and Malaysia can’t sell melatonin) For a fee I will come onboard as a consultant for a short period of time but ideally I just want to sell the whole brand and our proprietary tech, marketing, stocks and methods of operation.
@adelaidemaisy I’m exhausted, I’d have to ship all my product to a central warehouse (which I don’t even know who to go with, source for the cheapest global transport distributor, translate all our ads to localised language, spend more money running ads and building the brand in that regional market, I rather leave it for someone more hungry, I’m truly tired

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