How to start a cold email business?


New member
I've used my cold emailing skills to connect with some big shots in various industries (from direct response to ecom to founders who sold their companies for 8 & 9 figures).

I can't spill the beans on most of them (don’t know if I’m allowed to).

I can only share Stefan Georgi’s name (one of the biggest copywriter/marketer rn) since he made a post about me and mentioned me in his video [
(Skip to 10:45)].

With my cold email mojo, I've landed clients, free mentorships, aced job applications & interviews, and even crafted a non-profit campaign for a billion-dollar D2C company founder I cold-emailed
Now, here's why I’m writing this post:

I'm thinking of starting a business around this. I've brainstormed a few ways to make it happen:

1) Hooking up service providers with killer cold emails for lead gen (I'm all about quality over quantity).

2) Scoring big-name guests for podcasts.
Book guests (the big names) for live events.

3) Helping startup founders connect with investors through cold emails.

4) Starting with a simple cold email service for everyone - think client acquisition, lead generation, podcast bookings, and more, and then niching down as I go along.

By the way, I used to be a copywriter, but I'm ready to aim higher. So, if you've got any wild ideas or problems that my cold email expertise could tackle, I'm all ears! Your input would mean a lot.

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