How to start my cold email business?


New member
I've used my cold emailing skills to connect with some big shots in various industries (from direct response to ecom to founders who sold their companies for 8 & 9 figures).

I can't spill the beans on most of them (don’t know if I’m allowed to).

I can only share Stefan Georgi’s name (one of the biggest copywriter/marketer rn) since he made a post about me and mentioned me in his video [
(Skip to 10:45)].

With my cold email mojo, I've landed clients, free mentorships, aced job applications & interviews, and even crafted a non-profit campaign for a billion-dollar D2C company founder I cold-emailed
Now, here's why I’m writing this post:

I'm thinking of starting a business around this. I've brainstormed a few ways to make it happen:

1) Hooking up service providers with killer cold emails for lead gen (I'm all about quality over quantity).

2) Scoring big-name guests for podcasts.
Book guests (the big names) for live events.

3) Helping startup founders connect with investors through cold emails.

4) Starting with a simple cold email service for everyone - think client acquisition, lead generation, podcast bookings, and more, and then niching down as I go along.

By the way, I used to be a copywriter, but I'm ready to aim higher. So, if you've got any wild ideas or problems that my cold email expertise could tackle, I'm all ears! Your input would mean a lot.
@kjcolt Interesting idea. I'm curious, who are you using to extract your cold emailing prospects?

I work at Proxycurl, and you could definitely use our API to help you with this cold emailing biz. We're a B2B data provider that has scraped hundreds of millions of public LinkedIn profiles (and more, we have enrichment available, too).

Give this article a quick read -- I think you'll find value out of it.
@pvq I extract ppl's emails all manually. There are many different softwares- apollo, rocket reach, etc. Sometimes I can just guess and I'm about 70% times right (not a real stat but generally speaking).

Thanks for sharing the article btw. I read the whole thing. And like I said I usually do it manually, since that helps me do my research there and then. But I'll consider using it in the future. Btw can it make a list of specific ppl? For example, if I had to make a list of biz coaches between 50k & 500k followers, can it make the list and find their email addresses?
@kjcolt Gotcha @kjcolt

Glad to hear the article was valuable! To answer your question, Proxycurl can find people based on a couple of different qualifiers.

For example:
  • Industry
  • Current role title, such as "Consultant, business coach"
  • LinkedIn groups
  • Headline
  • Description
Or beyond, so not quite follower count specifically, but you could definitely target them still pretty well with one or several filtering parameters applied. You could then enrich and export them (email, phone, etc.).

Give our docs on the Person Search Endpoint a read right here.
@godismyredeemermyrock So I started a lead gen biz in December and am currently using instantly. Prices+ features are not any different from plus instantly has more users. Any particular reason why u recommended mails ai?
@grace1 Great. Got a client through reddit itself. Been working with him for 3 months now on a performance basis. Booked a lot of qualified calls. Will be getting my first case study from him soon. Why do u ask?

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