How to Use Phantombuster and Lemlist to Send Cold Emails

The goal: Crack the cold email game with PhantomBuster and lemlist.

The challenge: You and your prospect know that cold messages have a tendency to be awful. It is time for a different track to hook their attention and move the conversation on gently.

The solution: Craft custom cold messages with images and videos that hit the right tone for your prospects.

Why use this approach?

Well, for one, dull, pitchy or badly written cold messages tend to fall on deaf eyes. We promise your inbox will thank you for switching it up.

Step 1: Head on over to lemlist and sign up for a 14-day free trial. They have a lot of great resources to get started but if you are short on time here is a great explainer video.


Step 2: It is time to play around and select what kind of message format you prefer on lemlist. You can select images or videos that can be customized to your taste. If you prefer content that is more 'traditional' you can use a multitude of proven templates.

Step 3: Lastly, take it one step further and automate your new cold email campaigns with PhantomBuster. We created the LinkedIn Search to lemlist Workflow to allow you to do just that. Essentially, Phantoms will find verified and GDPR compliant emails and lemlist will send them to your prospects.

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