How to use Spintax to get 90%+ open rates on email campaigns


New member
In this, I’m going to go over some things you should implement to increase your outbound/cold email open rates. This can be used for multiple industries but our primary focus on this outreach was SaaS.

Some Proof:
Ensure DNS records are set up correctly

This is pretty simple and there are a lot of guides available online but quickly make sure you have DKIM, DMARC, SPF, and ideally a custom tracking domain (CNAME) set up.

Account warmup

Another simple one, just ensure that your accounts have been warming for at least 15 days prior to launching outbound campaigns. This follows the assumption that you are using brand new domains specifically for outbound, which is what I recommend doing.

Only use .com or .info domains

If you use any other domain ending for outbound you’re already fucked. I’ve tested pretty much all of them over the last few years and only .com and .info saw solid results.

Use Spintax

Spintax is basically when you input to your script variations of words/sentences that conveys the same meaning that it chooses randomly. This helps your emails not get flagged by spam filters as each email should then be different. For example, if I contact 8000 people with no Spintax, I am sending the exact same email 8000 times, which will likely start going to spam. But if I use heavy Spintax, let’s say 6 Spintax with 3 variations each, that would give roughly 729 total emails (3^6) meaning the same email is only being sent roughly 10 times which is much less likely to go to spam.

You can use chatGPT to generate Spintax for your emails if you wish although I often just do it off the dome. I’ll include some examples below:

"{{firstName}} - {{RANDOM a lot of INDUSTRY companies | INDUSTRY companies often}} {{RANDOM | struggle with | have difficulty with | find challenging}} profitably increasing ad spend which {{RANDOM often leads | can lead}} to {{RANDOM struggles | problems | issues | challenges}} scaling top-of-funnel channels.

We’ve OFFER which we used for a similar INDUSTRY {{RANDOM company | brand | store}} to {{RANDOM scale | increase | over triple}} RESULTS and {{RANDOM more | most}} importantly, RESULTS. {{RANDOM This | Our process | Our strategy}} also {{RANDOM featured | placed | had}} an emphasis on OFFER which we {{RANDOM worked on | did | used}} for some notable {{RANDOM companies | brands}} such as X and Y."

Let me know if you guys have any questions or want further clarification on anything

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