How we got our first 25 to 60 beta signups


New member
Content marketing. Lots of micro-content. We came up with about 7 different posts, one for each day of the week, all linked to our pre-launch website. The same posts used to go on different platforms, like Reddit, Facebook, Indie Hackers, etc. The first one was more of a validation post which read was something like this: “would a software that helps you see who is on your website at all times, so that you can talk to them help you as a business? We are building something similar and we are giving it out at just $5 per month for life if you sign up now. If interested, sign up at …. “

The rest were posts asking for feedback on our design, website, copy, and updating them of our progress and offers etc. So this, got us our first 25 sign-up, to whom we sent an e-mail as soon as we launched beta. Half of them signed up and the rest of our 25 signups came from more posts on the platforms. Within a week, we were at 60 sign ups total.

We still have a long way to go :)
@ilum I think a big part is the price point being such an incentive. You are pitching a big reward for customers with little to no risk at $5 for lifetime usage. If you think about it you are paying for the growth. Your cost per new users is directly correlated to that near freemium model. That model cuts into your expenses which in part cut into your profits.

BTW. What is your service/site? I'll risk $5 if you're really supplying what you're saying.

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