How would you go about growth hacking a new productivity web app?


New member
I can think of plenty of use cases and personas for my app, and I have been watching some of the related communities lately.

I have also seen in recent years constant growth in traction from users and investors for apps like notion, coda, milanote and more, which are in the same category as my app.

It's going to be mainly a web app with a chrome extension, a mobile version and hopefully two hybrid apps.

It's a saas with a 5$/mo subscription, with a limited free tier.

I haven't launched it yet, and would for love some smart tips on how and where to launch, and how to sustain growth.

By the way, if you have any tips on where to get honest feedback for my app I'd love that too. I'm nearly done developing it.

  1. Jump on linkedin.
  2. Connect with founders, executives etc
  3. Tell them how much time you can save them
  4. Scrape lists and find email addresses
  5. Start cold email sequence
Read Mailshake cold email academy for how.

This should get you to at least $5000 MRR

Once you get there, come back for the next stage.
@danielredeemed Thanks man!

I will sure try these, especially the Mailshake guides.

Important to mention is that the app is suitable at the moment for the individual, without any significant collaboration features, so I'm not sure that sticking to 'helping your company' narrative is the best, but using LinkedIn is nonetheless a great way to approach early customers.

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