Hows the customized picture frame business?

@rageprophet By frame bridge? Yeah, I mean that’s a lesson about the power of marketing for you. I have no pictures but when I listen to a podcast and I hear them, well I actually consider putting things on my blank walls.

There’s a place I drive by to work everyday that has a frame business locally owned and operated… but I’ll never go in there. First off, I don’t want to be sold anything, I don’t have a need and it’s probably too expensive. With Frame Bridge being advertised by my favorite podcast, I actually consider it…

That’s just my viewpoint
@rainforks You think Framebridge isn’t going to “sell you” anything? Every company is trying to sell you something. The successful ones just convince you that you weren’t convinced.

Also even if Framebridge is cheaper than the place you drive past, that doesn’t mean they’ll be cheap.
Many big box places use “discounts” to drive sales. Framebridge probably uses similar tactics.