I’m an introvert – made an app to help maintain connections with people


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I created this app and I expect it can help others like me, those with ADHD and those who’ve resolved to be better at reaching out to friends and family, and even customers, and I’ve received some great feedback so far.

The app has no ads and complements your default SMS text messaging, call and email apps. The actual store listing is here and it's currently available in 95 counties and regions.

Also, the app is Android-only. While I’d love to make such an app for iPhones, Apple is too restrictive when it comes to advanced functionality like this, but I did receive approval from Google for this functionality.

How is this app different from other personal CRM, automation and ChatGPT apps?

Well, the app is super simple to use and combines some functionality from all these areas. Unlike most personal CRM apps that are unable to make contact decisions based on recently received texts and calls, device automation apps that lack a CRM focus, and ChatGPT tools that simply answer questions, CommuniqAI intelligently integrates these three aspects. It cleverly keeps you connected with the people who matter most, with minimal interruption and distraction. In contrast to other related apps, manually logging or copying previous communications is unnecessary and notifications display your actual conversation histories, so you can quickly recall what you last touched upon. By default, the app will not take any action and largely act as a helpful reminder, and I recommend this type of use.

Thank you!

Without further ado:

CommuniqAI is the ultimate AI-powered tool for effortlessly scheduling and automating your SMS text messages, calls, and email. It’ll help you stay in touch with those who mean the most to you—and it’ll be there for you through life’s many distractions.

We all have those moments where we simply forget, are too busy, or struggle to find the right words to use to reach out to the important people in our lives, but you don’t have to let that stop you from staying in touch! With CommuniqAI, you can effortlessly keep in touch with your loved ones, family, friends, clients, customers, and even patients. Our AI-generated messages are conversationally aware, helping ensure that your texts are thoughtful and engaging, but messages of your choosing can also be used. In addition, our smart prompts can also remind you to call or email, so you never miss an opportunity to connect. Let CommuniqAI help you stay connected with the people who matter most!

Some people are against technology like this, but we believe that anything that helps you maintain connections with the important people in your life is, in the long run, a good thing. CommuniqAI, by default, will not take any action and largely act as a helpful reminder, and we recommend this type of use.


• Automatically send custom and AI-generated SMS text messages with intelligent scheduling and randomization

• Automatically start a call, with reminders, if there were none or you missed a call for the frequency specified

• Automatically start a prepopulated email, with reminders, on a regular basis

• Automatically tracks SMS text messages and calls—no manual logging needed!

• Uses AI-generated text messages that are conversationally aware or predefined recurring message templates

• Notifications for upcoming messages (configurable)

• Notifications are populated with your recent conversation history and favorite messages (favorites are currently available on Android 9 and later)

• Complements your default SMS text messaging, call and email apps

• Won’t automatically send a message to someone if:

o You are in a call with them

o You recently missed a call from them (configurable)

o They recently sent a message and you didn’t reply (configurable)

o You recently corresponded with them in a small group (configurable)

• Won’t automatically start a call with someone if you:

o Are in a call with them

o Were in a call with them and didn’t end the period selected with a missed call

• Android Material You design

• Won’t repeat the last message sent

• Upcoming messages can be easily edited, disabled, postponed, skipped or quickly changed to other frequently sent messages

• Set a maximum number of messages per day, week, month or quarter

• Supports multiple people (when upgraded)

• Time zone aware (it’ll do the right thing regardless of where you are)

• History of what communication actions were taken and why
@qqsyrinxqq Thanks. Not sure I have a strategy at this time. This is, obviously, a side project. I mainly did it to resolve an issue for myself, but quickly saw how others could benefit. If I had to imagine a go to market strategy, I think the app is uniquely positioned somewhere between a personal CRM app and an automation app. I also happen to think it's the only app on the market that can also automatically leverage context-aware AI-generated messaging, but I'm not certain. Any feedback on my thinking here would be great.
@henry123 Thanks for the feedback! At this time I don't see a desktop version coming to fruition, as the app uses on-device messaging and call information to make decisions, but maybe in the future.
@gilly48 Does the app have an option to just remind you and not send the message on its own? I'd like it to just be like "Hey you've not talked to this person in a while. Try asking them how they're doing"
@henry123 This is largely how the app works! By default, the app will not take any action and act as a helpful reminder, and I recommend this type of use.
@gilly48 A few notes
* Add the ability to add placeholder tags such as {first_name}, {my_number}, {my_email} and any other ones. Then you can make the generic messages more personal .
* Have a calendar where you can display when you've messaged people. For tracking statistics to see the improvement they've made in replying.
@henry123 Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback!

Add the ability to add placeholder tags such as {first_name}, {my_number}, {my_email} and any other ones

I definitely see how this could be good, especially in the business case.

Have a calendar where you can display when you've messaged people. For tracking statistics to see the improvement they've made in replying.

This could be helpful. Maybe I'll take it one step further and see what other insights could be gleaned from a statistics perspective; the History destination could definitely be improved in relation to this.
@gilly48 I can't remember if I saw this option. But if you could give each user their timezone and the app would consider this when sending messages,

also preplanned messages. to be sent on the next date.

"just a reminder, we have an appointment soon" for example.
@henry123 You did see this option because, yes, the app is time zone aware per person! As for pre-planned messages, I chose not to do this because most messaging apps already have a "Schedule send" feature, but I might reconsider.

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