I’m going to open my own startup! Any advice?


New member
Hi everyone, I am an Italian guy just graduated and in the next couple of months I am going to open a fintech startup in Italy, do you have any advice for me? Like about something to pay attention, how to start, mistakes not to make at the beginning etc...
also I would be very curious and grateful to know also your experiences in this world, either as a founder or as an employee of a startup

Thank you in advance for your answers and advice! :)
@iktmrl My advice would be to not post like this until you’ve done enough research to have specific questions. This reads as if you haven’t done any planning at all, it reads like you want someone to plan it for you. To be an entrepreneur, YOU have to be the one who comes up with the answers. It’s constant problem solving.
@iktmrl I had never opened my own startup, but I guess there are several advices you should listen.
  1. Who is gonna pay your products, I mean you customers? Who are your users? Users do no equal to customers. Figure out.
  2. What is you business business model? What do you sell? What is your core competence? How do you sell them?
  3. Hire as less people as possible before it success. A tech company usually does not need to many employees.
  4. Any startup would not live over 2 years, so, if you are wrong with your business, you need to to know when to quit.

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