I’m wondering if I’m throwing away my career by diving into my passion project. Has anyone been here before?


New member
Pretty much what the title says. I have some savings tucked away and about 3 more months of severance before I gotta figure my shit out. I live in a HCOL area with my fiancée and my industry is absolutely silly with layoffs right now, so it’s a feeding frenzy for jobs.

My biggest hurdle is a mental one: when it comes to the career I’ve had in this industry, my head is just not in the game, man. The couple of interviews I’ve been fortunate to get made me realize how little I want these jobs. And that is an insane prospect to grapple with. What privilege. What cluelessness. What the fuck, man.

I will absolutely need an income, and this company I want to start is still barely in its infancies. I have a design skill set I can use for freelancing, so I’m figuring out what kind of portfolio I should even make, and at the same time being a solopreneur is eating away all the time that an otherwise dutiful careerist like me should be using for applying for jobs.

This is terrifying. I have no notable network in the industry I'm working to break into, and in the meantime these nagging voices in my head keep telling me how far I've strayed from the comfortable life as an employee that I'm taking for granted.

This is completely an internal battle. I know what I want, but I fear the consequences of not wanting the career anymore. Would appreciate anyone who's been here before and got out of it - either by staying in wonderland, or by blue-pilling back into a corporate gig. (You can tell my bias here).

Any words of wisdom? Solidarity? Even trolls are invited. Go on, try and outdo the cruelty of the voices in my head. I promise it won’t get even close. This is wild, man. Fuck.
@jameslouise I've been here before and I am no longer there and I can help you get from point A to point B if your passion project is an idea that has good product-market fit potential. If it does, then I can help you get pre-seed investment funds to see it to fruition! I'll send you a message :)