I am building a way to easily find leads on Reddit


New member
Hey guys, I am building MentionFunnel, which is an app that will help you easily find leads on Reddit

Basically the way it works is that you can enter keywords ("X alternative", "tool for Y", "create Z" etc.) and pick subreddits that are relevant to you. When someone mentions one of your keywords in these subreddits you will get notified. You can then reply to their post / comment or send them a private message all from within the app. The plan is to add features that will make this quick and easy (automation, templates etc.)

I know what you are thinking: "this already exists" and "why not just use f5bot / other tool". I've tried them all, but I couldn't find 1 that does what I want: make the process of finding leads and converting them into customers as easy and low effort as possible. This is why I am making my own that will do exactly this (and I'm a developer, we always want to build our own version lol).

I've created a landing page showing what the MVP could possibly look like. Keep in mind stuff like the pricing is just made up for now and it's missing all the features that will be added after the MVP is finished. Anyway, if this sounds interesting to you then check it out and sign up for the waiting list (planning to launch within the next month) 🙏

Let me know what you guys think 😄 very interested to hear your feedback
@dbslkc Yeah similar, but more focussed on the finding leads part (will expand to other platforms in the future) than audience research. I also found it annoying that I couldn't connect my Reddit account and simply reply w/o leaving the website / manage my leads properly and imo it's quite expensive!