I am burnout. I dont know how should i tackle these problems?


New member
Firstly we are short of bakery or storekeeper. It's not that I don't want to hire bakery or storekeeper or logistics. There's just limited number of people available to hire. We don't have quota. We need locals to hire foreigners.Marketing is purely because inventory, is not getting done. I am trying to overlap logistics, and F&B. Trying to float the company.

F&B? No traffic, it's a waste of money to operate F&B over here. How many co. did not survive? If we didn't do F&B/ Ecommerce, or F&B/ Office/ Wholesale, we can't survive the rental and payroll. But again, if we are doing so many slash job scope, we aren't getting anywhere.

What would you do if you were in my position? Our co. cannot survive if we just rely on one source of income and even with these multiple sources, we are not surviving.

If you are upset about marketing, then let me ask you. Can I rely on you to get the work done? You are working part time, and flexi hours at midnight and irregular hours. I waited patiently for you to do certain work, because I know you dislike me delegating. But then, opportunity cost. Months later, work is not done. How much losses is that? I cannot blame you for not getting your work done because you are doing a lot. But I am also constrained by my limitations and I need to worry about finding enough cash to float the co. And after you quit, your work isn't done as well. I can't exactly wait around and continue to ignore huge losses. It is not a small sum, u guys.

My strategy is simple. Retail wise should only accounts for 20% of our revenue. 80% should be ecommerce. For shopify, listing is #1, and the next is integration. But we can't fly, if our foundation isn't there.

And marketing has always been a slash job. Marketing/ logistics. Marketing/ Retail sales. I am recruiting with a limited amt of applicants. Our salary aren't high. Sales doesn't justify hiring just do F&B only.

Cut admin, marketing and all, then who do ecommerce listing? Who do logistic? Cannot hire f&b, no admin, no marketing, no logistic. No one to work at all?

I asked my HR to draft contract to tie people down, in the end, sent out 4, no reply. Even getting admin is hard.

I am doing admin, finance, everything. And I am barely able to do my work.
@epilla Hello sorry that you are feeling burnout. Reminds me a little of a situation I was in about 5 years ago. What I did was I got organized. Cut expenses drastically/cut staff. Started doing a lot more work myself, didn't matter what the task was, if I could do it I would do it. Focused on what made money and what didn't make money. Got rid of everything that was taking up time and not making money. Stopped caring about what other people thought and instead focused on doing what was good for me. Now I am making profit each year and using that to aggressively pay down debt.
@epilla I read and reread this and I think this is in Singapore - I'm based in SG too.

Am not in the baking/F&B space and generally across the board, I will evaluate these

1) cut costs aggressively
2) look at the most high yield items and tasks that the company does well (strength base)
3) marketing is a full time job, and you need to find what works (not everything works)

You can consider joining referral companies such as BNI (I'm from enterprise chapter) to spread the word (we meet every week to share referrals), do on going sales and marketing offline and online etc

If your ecommerce game is strong, then yes, focus on that. Just that

DM me if you'd like to chat more
@epilla Sounds like an nightmare, you need to hire a consultant to help you transform your operations completely.

One possibility is to go with virtual teams and assistants to get as many things done professionally at a low cost and only keep logistics in house while you just oversee all operations and manage them. Until you can hire an operations manager.
@epilla You need to stop and take a breather for a second.

Do you have a business partner or employee you trust to sit down with for a day? If not, find a local business owner somewhat similar to your business and ask very nicely if they’d sit down with you for a few hours. Many people will if you ask politely.

Then you literally just need to get all your issues written up on a whiteboard and triage them into priorities. Then go through them one by one and figure out solutions. Some of those solutions will be to get rid of unprofitable things that you’re simply wasting your time on.

There are lots of books on this subject. My initial recommendations would be the E-Myth by Michael Gerber and Traction by Gino Wickman. Check out r/Systemizing for more books and resources.

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