I am burnout. I dont know how should i tackle these problems?


New member
Firstly we are short of bakery or storekeeper. It's not that I don't want to hire bakery or storekeeper or logistics. There's just limited number of people available to hire. We don't have quota. We need locals to hire foreigners.

Marketing is purely because inventory, is not getting done. I am trying to overlap logistics, and F&B. Trying to float the company.

F&B? No traffic, it's a waste of money to operate F&B at Grandstand. How many co. did not survive? If we didn't do F&B/ Ecommerce, or F&B/ Office/ Wholesale, we can't survive the rental and payroll. But again, if we are doing so many slash job scope, we aren't getting anywhere.

What would you do if you were in my position? Our co. cannot survive if we just rely on one source of income and even with these multiple sources, we are not surviving.

If you are upset about marketing, then let me ask you. Can I rely on you to get the work done? You are working part time, and flexi hours at midnight and irregular hours. I waited patiently for you to do certain work, because I know you dislike me delegating. But then, opportunity cost. Months later, work is not done. How much losses is that? I cannot blame you for not getting your work done because you are doing a lot. But I am also constrained by my limitations and I need to worry about finding enough cash to float the co. And after you quit, your work isn't done as well. I can't exactly wait around and continue to ignore huge losses. It is not a small sum, u guys.

My strategy is simple. Retail wise should only accounts for 20% of our revenue. 80% should be ecommerce. For shopify, listing is #1, and the next is integration. But we can't fly, if our foundation isn't there.

And marketing has always been a slash job. Marketing/ logistics. Marketing/ Retail sales. I am recruiting with a limited amt of applicants. Our salary aren't high. Sales doesn't justify hiring just do F&B only.

Cut admin, marketing and all, then who do ecommerce listing? Who do logistic? Cannot hire f&b, no admin, no marketing, no logistic. No one to work at all?

I asked my HR to draft contract to tie people down, in the end, sent out 4, no reply. Even getting admin is hard.

I am doing admin, finance, everything. And I am barely able to do my work.
@epilla I can see English is not your first language, but can you be clearer. You'll get better answers.

- We are running low on manpower = Hire people

- So much rental to pay = OK, so move.
@gne5 but we need money. sorry, we own 4 shops and we got so much rent to pay. But our staff keep quitting when we gave them more than just one job role but we have no choice
@epilla Then something else is wrong isn't it. One person quitting will have their own reason. If they all keep quitting then there's a problem somewhere. Maybe the problem is you.
@gne5 One staff is a character clash - 4 staff might be a cultural issue.

Or some little power hunger nitwit half way down who gets a kick out of making life a living hell for the people around them.

Here's an idea. Call the people who quit and ask them why they quit.
@epilla I deleted my comment. I either miss read the post I replied to or it was changed after I replied.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses. If someone can't see both in you, don't let their opinion change how you feel about yourself.
@epilla outsource admin, hr, and payroll.. use excess time to hire necessary on site employees. Use that free time from that to adjust the business plan. Rinse and repeat till it works or give up pretty much lol
@epilla Staff are quitting because they probably don’t feel they are getting paid enough for the work you want them to do, or they are stretched so thin that they can’t tolerate it anymore.

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